Base flashing

Base flashing is a type of roof flashing that is used to seal the joint between the roof deck and a vertical surface, such as a chimney, wall, or skylight. Base flashing is typically made of metal, such as aluminum or galvanized steel, and is installed over a layer of waterproofing material to prevent water infiltration and other types of damage.

Base flashing is an important component of a properly designed and installed roof system, as it helps to prevent moisture buildup and water damage, which can lead to structural damage, rot, and other types of problems. The flashing is typically installed in a way that allows water to flow down and away from the vertical surface, and is anchored securely to the roof deck to prevent movement and leaks.

The proper installation and maintenance of base flashing is essential for ensuring the long-term durability and performance of the roof system. The flashing must be properly integrated with other roof components, such as underlayment and shingles, and must be installed in a way that provides a secure seal against water infiltration. Regular inspections and maintenance of the roof can also help to prevent damage and ensure the continued performance and durability of the roof system.

Overall, base flashing is an important component of a properly designed and installed roof system, and is essential for preventing moisture buildup and water damage, and ensuring the long-term durability and performance of the roof.

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