
Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. For humans, sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which has ecological, economic, political and cultural dimensions. Healthy ecosystems and environments are necessary to the survival and flourishing of humans and other organisms.


Made from up to 95% recycled and recyclable material

The Interlock® Roofing System is designed and manufactured to be environmentally friendly – made from up to 95% recycled and recyclable material.

Every year, jaw-dropping 11 million tons of asphalt shingles end up on landfills as a result of failing, temporary roofing systems.  The waste continues with wood, tile and concrete…

We understand the importance of separating recycled materials from our garbage. Why don’t we pay the same attention when deciding which roofing material goes on our home? How can we make a difference?

Sustainable Roofing Alternative

The Interlock® Roofing System is truly a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice. Since this is a lifelong roof, you won’t have to worry about replacing or disposing of it. Stop this cycle of waste by choosing a roof that will last longer and prevent further waste going to the landfills. Moreover, metal roofs can often be installed over existing roof, avoiding tear-off and saving trucks of disposal material (and your money).

We use up to 95% recycled aluminum, a metal that can be indefinitely reused.

After it is cleaned and melted, the aluminum going on our roofs maintains its original properties and advantages. By adding an aluminum roof to your home, you are directly removing thousands of beverage cans from the environment.

With Interlock® Roofing, you protect your family, your property and the planet. And you can also benefit directly from a sustainable roofing system.

Lifecycle Costs

Why does an Interlock Roof cost more?

This is a good question we get often from our customers.  The best answer is that an Interlock roof costs you more to buy, but less to own since you will never re-roof again and reduces your energy costs by up to 25%1

The longer you own it the more you’ll save.

How Much Does Metal Roofing Cost?

† As per Cool Roof Rating Council (CCRC) and Oak Ridge National Labratories (ORNL)

Lifecycle Costs

Rainwater Harvesting

Rainwater harvesting is the accumulation and deposition of rainwater for reuse on-site, rather than allowing it to runoff. Uses include water for garden, water for livestock, water for irrigation, water for domestic use with proper treatment, and indoor heating for houses etc. In many places the water collected is just redirected to a deep pit with percolation. The harvested water can be used as drinking water as well as for storage and other purpose like irrigation. ~ Wikipedia

Wouldn’t you like to protect the planet and benefit from renewable, clean resources?

As we look for ways to make our homes more sustainable and conserve natural resources, rainwater harvesting is becoming increasingly popular.

Metal Roofing is one of the preferred and most effective materials for collecting rainwater. Other types of roofs, especially asphalt, can release significant amounts of chemicals and petroleum hydrocarbons. Studies by the Texas Water Development Board* show that metal roofs produce the highest qualities of harvested rainwater for indoor domestic, non-potable use (presenting lower concentrations of contaminants than asphalt or cedar roofing). The coating system used by Interlock® is inert and will not leach or release chemicals in contact with the rain.

To develop a complete and efficient harvesting system, follow first-flush diversion, filtration, and disinfection processes. Such treatments are essential to reduce particles and pollutants present in the environment. Test the quality of the water periodically and refer to the regulations in your area before any potable use of collected rainwater.

The Interlock® Roofing System is truly a sustainable and environmentally friendly choice. Affordable, lifelong and made of recycled material, our roofs are also energy efficient and can save you money on energy bills.


* Effect of Roof Material on Water Quality for Rainwater Harvesting SystemsTexas Water Development Board

United States Environmental Protection AgencyAmerican Rainwater Catchment Systems Association