No difference in sound compared to our old roof


I wanted to let you know how happy my wife and I are with our new Interlock roof and the quality of the installation work. The installers presented themselves in a very professional manner. They took great pride in their job and worked on our home as if it was their own. At the end of the day, they always cleaned up after themselves and never inconvenienced my family. They truly were a wonderful crew!

The roof looks fantastic. It is much sharper and cleaner looking than our old roof. Since it was completed, we have had several hard rainstorms. The roof performed very well. One of our initial concerns was if rain hitting this new roof would be louder than our old. On those stormy nights, our fears were quickly put to rest. There was no difference in sound compared to our old roof. Then, the night before Thanksgiving, we had a snowstorm. Thanksgiving Day was nice and sunny, and our house was the only one with no snow on the roof.

The Interlock roof is, by far, the best home improvement project I have undertaken; it is wonderful knowing I will never have to worry about my roof again. Thanks for the great product and service.

Joseph A. DeForte
Medford, MA

Guildquality Review
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