The temperature inside our garage was approximately 20 degrees cooler than before the roof
Marysville, Washington
★★★★★ 5/5
We had the Interlock Roof put on our home this month and I am satisfied with the look and performance of the roof so far. The crew completed the roof in a timely fashion, and was very professional! Our neighbors have paid us compliments about the roof. I really look forward to the longevity of the roof.
The temperature the week following the installation was in the 80’s, and the roof kept the temperature inside our house at 75. We did not have to run the air conditioning until we reached the 90’s. The temperature inside our garage was approximately 20 degrees cooler than before the roof.
To anyone looking to replace his or her roof, I would recommend the Interlock Roofing System!
Doug J.
Marysville, WA