The roof is actually quieter than our previous layer of 3 composition roofs!


I had expressed concerns to you about the actual appearance of the Interlock Roof. I thought from the pictures shown to us that it might look a bit ‘plastic.’ Such is not the case. The roof is really quite beautiful and a pleasure to the eye.

I also expressed anxiety about the noise that might occur with hard rains. Once again, this was not the case, and the roof (with the 1/2 inch foam underlay) is actually quieter than our previous layer of 3 composition roofs! This was a surprise to us both. The roof and foam also work as you promised on hot, sun-drenched days. Our interior ceiling is cooler to the touch than before… much cooler. An added bonus is the fact that I will never have to clean my rain gutters of those darn grit pebbles that our old comp-roof shed like cat hair. I will not miss that job! To reiterate, the product itself is fantastic, exceeded only by the installation and craftsmanship of your workers.

We wish you well here on the islands for a long and prosperous business venture. If you continue to do business with others as you have with us, we are positive you will do very well indeed.

With gratitude for a magnificent roof that we feel will keep us dry for numerous decades, even here on the salt-laden beaches of North Shore.

P.S. Please expect to hear from us in two years when we add a room on top of our garage. We will want to re-roof it at that time with the matching light grey Interlock roof!!!

With Fond Aloha,
Haleiwa, HI

Guildquality Review