Chicago Heights Church of the Nazarene


Dear Mark,

I would like to provide you some feedback on the first phase of work done on our project at the Church of the Nazarene, in Chicago Heights. Before going into the details of the work perforn1ed, I would like you to know how pleased I was putting together this project with your sale manager, John Mondschean. John’s a pleasure to work with, always prompt, courteous, and clear with feedback and follow-ups. He not only knew his product well but proved to be very helpful in overcoming the various issues of the job. John was able to meet our needs while staying within the budget by offering helpful suggestions and options. I could only hope to have such a knowledgeable, responsible person to work with on future projects.

As for the first phase of work, installing a 50 year PVC membrane roof with insulation over the existing roof, integrating metal flashings and adding badly needed ventilation to the top flat area above our sanctuary.
This job was performed by a group of tradesmen that took pride in their workmanship, Not only did they arrive at the job site on time each workday, they never left without ensuring that the work site was clean and secure, daily. For me, that was a big plus. I watched the installation and was pleased with the care utilized by the workmen. Roofing seams were straight, smooth and clean. Details cuts and welded fitting were secured around each of the skylights with care. I was pleased with your workers and their workmanship as witnessed on the job site. Mark, most of all, I’m pleased to inform you that my biggest pet peeve was adhered to without fault, Safety. Your workmen used proper fall protections with tie-offs, body harnesses, and safety lanyards. All ladders and guards were properly secured. At the completion of the job, the work area was thoroughly cleaned and all scrap materials were removed from the work site.

Thank you for a job well done. This job was a well-managed and professionally carried out. I look forward to the second phase of our project in the fall.

Charles Smart
Chicago Heights Church of the Nazarene
Chicago Heights, IL

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