With the interlock design, I should not see any buckling or lifting of tiles


I am sending this letter to let you know how pleased I am with my new Interlock Roof. It has been an absolute joy doing business with a company as professional as yours has been. Your people have been extremely courteous and informative throughout the entire process.

As a retiree from the engineering field, you can only imagine my delight when researching your product I found it used a finishing method similar to that used in the space program. This process is not unknown to me and was the selling factor for using Interlock as my new roofing system. If a material can withstand the rigors of high friction heat and extreme cold, it is definitely a product that can withstand the changing weather conditions we experience here in New England.

The interlocking design of your roofing is also a plus factor. Normal roofing today is not what it was years ago when asbestos was used as the stabilizing element in roof tiles. Today’s tiles are soft and tend to buckle and lift over a period of time (my current roof lasted less than ten years). With the interlock design, I should not see any buckling or lifting of tiles. This is definitely a plus factor and a cost-efficient system when taking into account that I will not have to replace the roof again in my lifetime (considerable savings over a long period of time).

Again, I wish to express my delight in both your product and the installation of my new Interlock Roof.

Shedida Melnick
Brockton, MA

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